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Sequitur de Invidia.
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1 occurrence of "Whit was his face as payndemayn
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Sequitur de Invidia.

After Pride wol I speken of the foule synne of Envye, which that is, as by the word of the Philosophre, "sorwe of oother mannes prosperitee"; and after the word of Seint Augustyn, it is "Sorwe of oother mennes wele, and joye of othere mennes harm."
This foule synne is platly agayns the Hooly Goost. Al be it so that every synne is agayns the Hooly Goost, yet nathelees, for as muche as bountee aperteneth proprely to the Hooly Goost, and Envye comth proprely of malice, therfore it is proprely agayn the bountee of the Hooly Goost.
Now hath malice two speces; that is to seyn, hardnesse of herte in wikkednesse, or elles the flessh of man is so blynd that he considereth nat that he is in synne or rekketh nat that he is in synne, which is the hardnesse of the devel.
That oother spece of malice is whan a man werreyeth trouthe, whan he woot that it is trouthe; and eek whan he werreyeth the grace that God hath yeve to his neighebor; and al this is by Envye.
Certes, thanne is Envye the worste synne that is. For soothly, alle othere synnes been somtyme oonly agayns o special vertu,
but certes Envye is agayns alle vertues and agayns alle goodnesses. For it is sory of alle the bountees of his neighebor, and in this manere it is divers from alle othere synnes.
For wel unnethe is ther any synne that it ne hath som delit in itself, save oonly Envye, that evere hath in itself angwissh and sorwe.
The speces of Envye been thise. Ther is first, sorwe of oother mannes goodnesse and of his prosperitee; and prosperitee is kyndely matere of joye; thanne is Envye a synne agayns kynde.
The seconde spece of Envye is joye of oother mannes harm, and that is proprely lyk to the devel, that evere rejoyseth hym of mannes harm.
Of thise two speces comth bakbityng; and this synne of bakbityng or detraccion hath certeine speces, as thus: Som man preiseth his neighebor by a wikked entente,
for he maketh alwey a wikked knotte atte laste ende. Alwey he maketh a "but" atte laste ende, that is digne of moore blame than worth is al the preisynge.
The seconde spece is that if a man be good and dooth or seith a thing to good entente, the bakbitere wol turne al thilke goodnesse up-so-doun to his shrewed entente.
The thridde is to amenuse the bountee of his neighebor.
The fourthe spece of bakbityng is this: that if men speke goodnesse of a man, thanne wol the bakbitere seyn, "Parfey, swich a man is yet bet than he," in dispreisynge of hym that men preise.
The fifte spece is this: for to consente gladly and herkne gladly to the harm that men speke of oother folk. This synne is ful greet and ay encreesseth after the wikked entente of the bakbitere.
After bakbityng cometh gruchchyng or murmuracioun; and somtyme it spryngeth of inpacience agayns God, and somtyme agayns man.
Agayn God it is whan a man gruccheth agayn the peyne of helle, or agayns poverte, or los of catel, or agayn reyn or tempest; or elles gruccheth that shrewes han prosperitee, or elles for that goode men han adversitee.
And alle thise thynges sholde man suffre paciently, for they comen by the rightful juggement and


ordinaunce of God.
Somtyme comth grucching of avarice; as Judas grucched agayns the Magdaleyne whan she enoynted the heved of oure Lord Jhesu Crist with hir precious oynement.
This manere murmure is swich as whan man gruccheth of goodnesse that hymself dooth, or that oother folk doon of hir owene catel.
Somtyme comth murmure of Pride, as whan Simon the Pharisee gruchched agayn the Magdaleyne whan she approched to Jhesu Crist and weep at his feet for hire synnes.
And somtyme grucchyng sourdeth of Envye, whan men discovereth a mannes harm that was pryvee or bereth hym on hond thyng that is fals.
Murmure eek is ofte amonges servauntz that grucchen whan hir sovereyns bidden hem doon leveful thynges;
and forasmuche as they dar nat openly withseye the comaundementz of hir sovereyns, yet wol they seyn harm, and grucche, and murmure prively for verray despit;
whiche wordes men clepen the develes Pater noster, though so be that the devel ne hadde nevere Pater noster, but that lewed folk yeven it swich a name.
Somtyme it comth of Ire or prive hate that norisseth rancour in herte, as afterward I shal declare.
Thanne cometh eek bitternesse of herte, thurgh which bitternesse every good dede of his neighebor semeth to hym bitter and unsavory.
Thanne cometh discord that unbyndeth alle manere of freendshipe. Thanne comth scornynge of his neighebor, al do he never so weel.
Thanne comth accusynge, as whan man seketh occasioun to anoyen his neighebor, which that is lyk the craft of the devel, that waiteth bothe nyght and day to accusen us alle.
Thanne comth malignitee, thurgh which a man anoyeth his neighebor prively, if he may;
and if he noght may, algate his wikked wil ne shal nat wante, as for to brennen his hous pryvely, or empoysone or sleen his beestes, and semblable thynges.